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Top-Selling Handmade Trends And Niches To Target On Etsy In Fall Of 2022

In June of this year, Etsy released its Marketplace Insights: 2022 Fall Trends report, indicating what the anticipated direction for the fall season of 2022 would be. New trends have indeed emerged, however much of the classics remained. Fall is

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Can You Enter The Craft Supplies & Tools Category If You’re A Handmade Crafter?

A quick search on Etsy for the keywords “craft supplies & tools” yields 13,113,139 listings, while “handmade” gives us 6,953,254. It’s therefore safe to assume that the craft supplies and tools category on the platform is practically double that of

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How And When To Price Your Handmade Items On Etsy Above The Average

If you’re selling handmade items and looking for a select audience, Etsy is the place to be. As the world’s most popular marketplace for hand-crafted and authentic products, the platform can make your creations discoverable and attractive to millions of

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Product Personalization On Etsy: Benefits, Bestsellers And Best Practices

As a marketplace for authentic, vintage, and handmade items, Etsy attracts a substantial number of shoppers interested in one thing – personalization. Product personalization adds another level of uniqueness and value to a listing. It enables sellers to target a

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Golden Jewelry On Etsy: How Big Is The Market, What Are The Most Popular Trends And Listings?

Golden jewelry has been a symbol of wealth, style, and elegance for centuries. Gold is one of the most valuable precious metals we have on the markets today. And for the potential goldsmiths among Etsy sellers, it would be essential

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Handmade Cosmetics On Etsy: How Big Is The Niche, Is It Worth Targeting, And What Will It Net You?

The natural cosmetics market is expected to reach a total value of $41.91 billion this year. If you would like a share of this sizable pie by selling on Etsy, there are some important strategies to consider. But first, we

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Etsy’s handmade toys for kids: what are the most popular ones, what makes them stand out?

With the festive season just around the corner, many parents will be on the lookout for special gifts to give their young children. Luckily, Etsy offers a massive variety of handmade children’s toys. These can not only be fun to

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Marble home décor on Etsy: niche size, bestsellers and best practices to follow

Marble is a popular choice of material for interior designers as it’s often associated with style and elegance. It also facilitates the creation of stunning handmade home decor pieces. If you’re an Etsy seller that is active in the home

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Advanced SEO for Experienced Etsy sellers

Your Etsy shop can be around for quite some time and you could be doing better than average with it, better than you had dreamed you’d do! But there comes a point where sales might start to decline and yes,

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Boost Your Etsy Sales By Keeping Updated

When it comes to continuing your online merchandising business, no one just wishes to do exactly the same as they did the year before. Everyone wants to do better. So how can you increase your sales on Etsy by enhancing