Etsy has long been known for its unique and handcrafted items, offering a marketplace that connects buyers with independent creators from around the world. In its ongoing effort to stay top of mind and build deeper customer loyalty, Etsy is rolling out a new initiative called Etsy Insider. This new buyer membership program is designed to give dedicated shoppers more value and exclusive perks, enhancing their shopping experience while also supporting Etsy’s seller community. If you’re curious about Etsy Insider and what it means for both buyers and sellers, this article will break down everything you need to know.

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What is Etsy Insider?

Etsy Insider is a membership program currently in a closed beta phase, set to launch in mid-September 2024. It’s available by invitation only to select buyers in the United States. The program offers both annual and seasonal membership options, with a range of exclusive benefits aimed at enhancing the shopping experience on Etsy.

The primary goal of Etsy Insider is to provide added value to frequent Etsy shoppers, encouraging them to think of Etsy first when making purchases. By offering a suite of perks, Etsy hopes to build stronger loyalty among its customer base, which in turn can help drive more sales for the 7 million sellers who use the platform.

Key Benefits of Etsy Insider

Members of Etsy Insider will enjoy several exclusive benefits, designed to make their shopping experience more rewarding and personalized. Some of the key perks include:

  • Free US Domestic Shipping: One of the standout benefits is free shipping on millions of items across Etsy’s marketplace. This perk alone can save frequent shoppers a significant amount of money over time, especially when purchasing larger or heavier items.
  • Birthday Bonus: Members will receive a special birthday bonus, though the specifics of this benefit (such as a discount or special gift) are still being finalized.
  • Limited Edition Annual Gift: Each year, Etsy Insider members will receive a limited edition gift designed by an Etsy seller. The first gift is a custom-designed tote bag created by Kerry Stokes of the Etsy shop Calhoun and Co.
  • First Access to Special Discounts and Merchandise: Members will have early access to exclusive deals and limited edition merchandise, giving them the opportunity to snag unique items before they sell out.
  • Double Impact with Donate the Change: Etsy Insider members can double their impact through Etsy’s “Donate the Change” program, where Etsy matches donations made by buyers during checkout.

These benefits are funded by Etsy and through the membership fees, meaning that sellers won’t bear the cost of offering free shipping or other perks. This is a crucial aspect of the program, as it ensures that sellers can continue to run their businesses without any additional financial burden.

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What Does Etsy Insider Mean for Sellers?

For Etsy sellers, the introduction of Etsy Insider could be a game-changer. The program is designed to bring more traffic to the platform, which could translate into increased sales. However, there are a few specific details that sellers should be aware of:

  • No Additional Costs: Sellers won’t need to cover the cost of the free shipping benefit offered to Etsy Insider members. Etsy will handle these costs directly, ensuring that sellers are paid their full shipping fee minus the standard transaction fees. This means sellers can maintain their current pricing and shipping structures without worrying about losing revenue.
  • No Required Action: Sellers do not need to opt into the Etsy Insider program. If a buyer with an Etsy Insider membership makes a purchase from their shop, the benefits will automatically apply without any changes needed on the seller’s part.
  • Optional Participation in Deals and Drops: While there’s no requirement for sellers to change their pricing or offer discounts, Etsy is inviting interested sellers to participate in exclusive deals and item drops for Etsy Insider members. Sellers who choose to participate will have the opportunity to offer limited-time discounts of 50-75% on selected items or to give Etsy Insider members first access to new products. Participating in these offers can provide additional visibility and marketing for sellers, but it is entirely voluntary.
  • Increased Visibility: Sellers who participate in Etsy Insider deals may benefit from increased exposure through Etsy’s marketing efforts, as these deals are highlighted to Insider members. This could be particularly beneficial for shops with a strong track record of sales and positive reviews.

Why Is Etsy Introducing This Program?

Etsy Insider is part of Etsy’s broader strategy to enhance customer loyalty and increase sales on the platform. The program comes at a time when Etsy’s growth has slowed slightly, with marketplace gross merchandise sales (GMS) down 2.9% in the second quarter of 2024, year-over-year, on a currency-neutral basis. When including results from its other marketplaces, consolidated GMS was down 1.9%.

In response to this challenging environment, Etsy CEO Josh Silverman expressed optimism about the future, noting that the company is making significant strides in its efforts to reignite marketplace growth. According to Silverman, the introduction of Etsy Insider is one of several bold moves designed to keep Etsy top of mind for buyers and drive more frequent purchases.

By offering a membership program with tangible benefits, Etsy aims to differentiate itself from other online marketplaces and build a more loyal customer base. The focus on providing added value to buyers—whether through free shipping, exclusive deals, or special gifts—reinforces Etsy’s commitment to supporting small businesses while also enhancing the overall shopping experience.

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What’s Next for Etsy Insider?

As Etsy Insider rolls out in mid-September, the company will be closely monitoring the program’s performance and gathering feedback from participants. The insights gained from this beta phase will help Etsy refine the program and determine whether it should be expanded to more buyers in the future.

For sellers who are interested in participating in Etsy Insider, there are opportunities to offer exclusive deals or item drops, potentially gaining additional exposure and driving more sales. However, participation is entirely optional, and sellers who prefer to focus on their existing business strategies can do so without any changes.

Etsy Insider represents a significant step forward in Etsy’s efforts to build customer loyalty and support its seller community. By offering a range of valuable perks to dedicated shoppers, Etsy hopes to create a more engaging and rewarding shopping experience that benefits everyone involved.


Etsy Insider is an exciting new initiative that could have a positive impact on both buyers and sellers. For buyers, the program offers a range of exclusive benefits that make shopping on Etsy more rewarding. For sellers, it provides an opportunity to reach new customers and increase sales, all without any additional costs or required changes. As the program rolls out in mid-September, it will be interesting to see how it evolves and what impact it has on the Etsy marketplace. Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, Etsy Insider is definitely a program to watch in the coming months.

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