handmade categories etsy
What is the size of the different handmade categories of items on Etsy and does it impact sales?

The handmade category on Etsy is undoubtedly one of the most popular and opportunity-rich markets on the platform. This is only natural, as the online store attracts users interested in unique, authentic and aesthetically pleasing items. But there are so

etsy holiday season
How to prepare for the Christmas holiday season as a seller on Etsy

The last quarter of 2021 saw Etsy acquiring 13 million new buyers representing a 76.7% increase on the same period from the previous year. Representing a 118% increase compared to the same period in 2020, this year’s festive season is

how to do etsy listings the right way
How to do Etsy Listings The Right Way And Stay Ahead of Competition

Your products are ready, and you have a plan: everything’s going up into your Etsy store and you’re going to sit back and watch the sales come pouring in. And then… they don’t. And you wait, and wait, and nothing

handmade activity board etsy
Etsy’s handmade activity boards for kids: How big is the market, what are bestsellers doing right?

Montessori is defined as “a system of education for young children that seeks to develop natural interests and activities rather than use formal teaching methods.” With this in mind, children are encouraged and stimulated to develop their curiosity and skills

svg on etsy
How big are custom-made SVG and PNG files on Etsy, what are the most popular categories and niches?

Is graphic design one of your skills? Are you looking to diversify your Etsy portfolio and attract more traffic to your listings? Here’s a cool idea that we’re sure you’ll love – put your graphic design capabilities to use and

The Wonderful World of Enamel Pins

Trends come and trends go. For every evolving craze like Pokemon that lasts for decades, there are a thousand “pet rocks”. To keep regular sales going, you want to stock your stores with as much merchandise as possible that has

What Are Pet Owners Buying Their Pets for the Holidays?

When looking at our online POD stores, it’s easy to get caught up in what people want to wear. What’s the hottest fashion right now? What seasonal items should you stock? So many choices, and your unique designs are going

“Evergreen” Products: Comparing POD Supplier Prices For Etsy Sellers

For the un-initiated, Print-On-Demand (or POD) is an order fulfillment method in which things are printed as soon as an order is placed, frequently without order minimums. This fact is one of this process’ main strengths. POD allows you to

KPIs for etsy
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that you should know as an Etsy shop owner

For many of us, we wait to see what is selling out of our Etsy stores and what sells best. This is a natural thing many of us do to measure if we are handling our businesses the right way.

advantages of an etsy store
Advantages of Having An Etsy Store Versus Another Type Of Shop

You know Etsy. You love Etsy. It’s where you get all your cool stuff. And it’s also where you either sell your own cool stuff, or where you’re thinking about setting up shop. But you probably also see other people