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So, You’re A Blacksmith? Best-Selling Strategies And Tactics For Niche Artisans On Etsy

As a marketplace for handmade, creative, and authentic products, Etsy is home to a wide variety of craftsmen and artisans. Blacksmiths included. If you are a talented blacksmith, you can grow a successful side business by selling your handmade creations

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Etsy’s Eco-Revolution: How To Supply Your Etsy Business With Environmentally Conscious Materials

With an estimated 96.34 million active buyers in 2021 alone, Etsy is ideal for aspiring entrepreneurs with a creative flair. As you already know, Etsy is the place to go for handmade and vintage items as well as craft supplies

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Handmade Etsy Items For Cats: Etsy Strategies, Tactics And Tricks With Sale Samurai

People love cats. It’s just how the universe works. Searching for the word “cats” on Etsy will give you a massive 1,025,520 results (including ads) and a search volume of 26,666. Does this mean the niche is saturated and you

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Is It A Good Idea To Focus Your Etsy Efforts On Men (What Are They Buying)?

Etsy is the world’s leading marketplaces for crafty, handmade items. The platform welcomes buyers from different countries, ages, genders, and hobbies to enjoy the numerous works of art offered by Sellers. However, the common assumption is that Etsy is visited

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Maximizing Your Sale Samurai 3-Day Free Trial In 3 Simple Steps

Becoming a successful Seller on Etsy takes a lot of hard work. Being a second or even a primary job, you need to spend the time and effort to create a solid strategy, sell products that buyers are interested in,

How to Take Pictures For Your Etsy Products

You’ll hear a lot of times that running an online business automatically makes you a content creator and it’s completely true! In order to keep up with the fast-paced e-commerce world, new social trends, and changing SEO rules you have

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How To Sell SVGs On Etsy

If you’re a creative looking for a new passive income stream, then this article may be for you! SVG’s are an easy and fun way many artists, creators, and designers are beginning to make headway on Etsy! Turns out there

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How To Stay Safe From Copyright On Etsy

You’re out there minding your own business selling custom-made t-shirts and all of a sudden you get an Intellectual Property violation notice from Etsy. Now you have to shut down your entire operation and figure out what went wrong. Why

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How To Photograph Jewelry To Sell On Etsy

Jewelry is among the most oversaturated product niches on Etsy and e-commerce stores, so having a shop that really pops is super important for Etsy SEO and differentiating yourself from the competition. With the right strategy, product, and branding you

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DIY Kits On Etsy: How To Profit From This Lucrative Market

There are several paths you can take if you want to gain ground as an Etsy Seller. But perhaps one of the most reliable ones is diversification. Etsy offers a plethora of different categories that you can tap into as