vintage etsy shops
Top 10 Shops For Vintage Items On Etsy: Tips & Strategies To Follow

Vintage items on Etsy are unique because they need to be carefully sourced in terms of Etsy’s house rules. No vintage item from a yard or garage sale is permitted on the platform and there are other criteria to keep

vintage etsy seller
Looking To Market Your Vintage Collection On Etsy? Here’s How To Do It With Sale Samurai

Vintage item sales on Etsy are booming. Just in the fall of 2021, there was a 59% increase in searches on Etsy for “vintage brass items”; a 89% increase for “vintage mirrors”, and a 38% increase in searches for “gold

Selling Vintage Goods On Etsy

Etsy is the go-to destination for sellers looking to sell handmade items and supplies with an easy-to-use interface and a huge audience. However, Etsy is not only made for craftspeople and artists. It is also a fantastic e-commerce platform to

etsy vintage shop
You CAN Build A Successful Shop On Etsy If You’re A Vintage Collector

Etsy is known as a global marketplace for hand-made and vintage items as well as craft supplies and tools. This means that most of the buyers there are looking for something unique, which hasn’t been mass produced. The classic or