handmade etsy gifts
Best of the best in the handmade Christmas gift category on Etsy (2023)

As the Christmas excitement builds up, so does worry about choosing the perfect presents. Etsy outshines all other marketplaces with its massive collection of handmade Christmas gifts. Naturally, this makes it a preferable shopping destination. But with over 12 million

workflow module
WORKFLOW MODULE, PART 2: Crafting the Chronology of Etsy Triumph: Decoding the Hours Behind Your Flourishing Store

Greetings, Etsy maestros! In our previous discourse, we delved into the intricacies of fine-tuning your Etsy workflow. Today, our odyssey ventures further into the temporal dimensions that underpin your entrepreneurial journey. Fasten your seatbelts as we navigate through the daily

From cribs to crayons_ Etsy's top kids' categories revealed
From cribs to crayons: Etsy’s top kids’ categories revealed

Most prominent online marketplaces offer a sheer diversity of children’s products. Etsy is no different, boasting an astonishing 20,354,675 listings under the keyword “kids”. However, children of various ages have different needs. This figure is therefore not so overwhelming, as

Exploring Etsy's chandelier market_ Trends that glow with success
Exploring Etsy’s chandelier market: Trends that glow with success

Are you an aspiring Etsy seller looking to shine with success? The chandelier market could be just the right one for you. But let’s not leave the future of your side gig to intuition. Is the chandelier space thriving on

Setting Up For 2024_ A Fourth Quarter Etsy Crash-Course
Setting Up For 2024: A Fourth Quarter Etsy Crash-Course

As always, the fourth quarter sneaks up on you like that last Trick-Or-Treat-er when you’ve run out of candy and shut off the porch lights. If you’re like me, you feel a twisted combination of satisfaction (This was a good

2024 Prep Crash Course – “Products” Module #4_ Putting Together the Pieces of a Product Plan
2024 Prep Crash Course – “Products” Module #4: Putting Together the Pieces of a Product Plan

The Etsy marketplace has empowered creators to sell a wide array of apparel, accessories, and other original merchandise to a global audience. In this ever-evolving landscape, the ability to capitalize on missed opportunities and unexplored product ideas is a key

2024 Prep Crash Course – “Products” Module #3_ Predicting 2024 Trends
2024 Prep Crash Course – “Products” Module #3: Predicting 2024 Trends

In our third installment of “Projects,” we look at the strategies and insights that Etsy sellers like you can use to forecast sales trends. As with our previous entry, take a moment to step back and take a deep breath

2024 Prep Crash Course – “Products” Module #2_ Analyzing Your Unsuccessful Products
2024 Prep Crash Course – “Products” Module #2: Analyzing Your Unsuccessful Products

We started off our look at “Projects” (one of the modules in this crash course) with a happy exercise: an analytical look at what contributed to the success of your most successful products. That’s to take the sting out of

2024 Prep Crash Course – “Products” Module #1_ Analyzing Your Successful Products
2024 Prep Crash Course – “Products” Module #1: Analyzing Your Successful Products

If you want to grow, the first question you should ask yourself is, “What am I doing right?” Hard work is sometimes the answer. It’s not always luck. It is sometimes the price. Whatever the reason for one of your

Is it worth targeting unofficial holidays with your handmade products on Etsy?

Imagine this – a sea of passionate shoppers racing against the clock to score the perfect purchase. But contrary to mass assumption, it’s not Black Friday, nor is it Christmas. Instead, it’s something like National Sock Day or International Dog