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• Print on Demand
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Start Building A New Stream Of Income With Book Bolt (Our Sister Company)

Looking to take your Etsy skills and expand them to the world’s largest marketplace? Let’s make it a reality!

You already know how to keyword research on Etsy! Take those same skills and apply them to the Amazon Marketplace

Amazon is the largest E-commerce marketplace on the internet. Selling “low content” books requires ZERO inventory

Amazon KDP books are printed on demand. This means there is ZERO listing fee, and you get paid a royalty from Amazon each time your product sells. 

We’re thrilled you’re one of our customers. We’re always thinking of better ways to make your Etsy experience even better, and we think during New Years is the perfect time to share with you.

Here’s the gist: You have a Sale Samurai account and by now you are probably well on your way to building your business. 

…but it gets even better, since we are going to open up a brand new business opportunity for you

What are we talking about? Expanding your business to Amazon!

You see, our sister company: Book Bolt, helps users research and publish products on Amazon where you do not need to hold any inventory through selling digital products. We call these “low content” books, but you can think of them as digital products!

We have Sale Samurai customers that are earning thousands of dollars a month selling “low content” books on Amazon using digital downloads they may already be selling on Etsy!

So how does it work? We are glad you asked! Here is a tutorial that you can follow to get yourself started!

👀 During the next week, we are throwing out THREE months of Book Bolt at just $10 (that’s $10 total, not per month) so you can expand your business, no questions asked!👀

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